Book of Proverbs
Similes⁺·of Shalomo
the·similes⁺·of Shalomo the·son·of Intimate
the·king·of Princepowr :
to·know wisdom and·instruction
to·give·discernment sayings⁺·of discernment :
to·take instruction·of making·prudent
justice and·judgment and·straightness⁺ :
to·give to·gullible⁺ smoothness
to·youth knowledge and·determination :
he·hears wise and·ꜝlet·him·add taking-in·knowledge
and·discerner ropes⁺ he·stocks·up :
to·give·discernment simile and·scorning
speeches⁺·of wise⁺ and·their·riddles⁺ :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ headmost·of knowledge
wisdom and·instruction wrongdoer⁺ they·despised⁺ :
ꜝhear my·son the·instruction·of your·father
and ꜝdo·not·leave the·torah·of your·mama :
as wreath·of grace they⁺ to·your·head
and·pendants⁺ to·your·jaw-jaws⁺ :
my·son if they·beguile⁺·you sinful⁺ ꜝdo·not·want :
if they·say⁺ ꜝwalk! with·us
ꜝlet·us·ambush⁺ to·blood
ꜝlet·us·keep·secret⁺ to·innocent gratuitously :
we·devour⁺·them as·sheol living⁺
and·complete⁺ as·descending⁺·of well :
all·of wealth precious we·find⁺
we·fill⁺ our·houses⁺ plunder :
your·lot you·let·fall in·our·midst
purse one he·is to·all·of·us :
my·son ꜝdo·not·walk in·step with·them
ꜝdeprive your·foot from·their·path :
as their·feet² to·the·bad they·run⁺
and·they·speed⁺ to·spill blood :
as gratuitously winnowed the·heirnet
in·eyes²·of all·of master·of wing :
and·they⁺ to·their·blood they·ambush⁺
they·keep·secret⁺ to·their·souls⁺ :
surely ways⁺·of all profiteering profit
°the·soul·of his·masters⁺ he·takes :
wisdom⁺ in·the·exterior she·shouts
in·the·broadways⁺ she·gives her·voice :
in·head·of humming⁺ she·calls
in·openings⁺·of gates⁺ in·the·city her·sayings⁺ she·says :
unto ¿wħen gullible⁺ you·love⁺ gullibility
and·scorners⁺ scorn they·desired⁺ to·them
and·fool⁺ they·hate⁺ knowledge :
you·return⁺ to·my·reproof
¡lo! ꜝlet·me·spring to·you⁺ my·breath
ꜝlet·me·let·know my·speeches⁺ °you⁺ :
because I·called and·you·refuse⁺
I·branched·out my·hand and·there·is·ńot listening :
and·you·dishevel⁺ all·of my·counsel
and·my·reproof you·did·not·want⁺ :
also I in·your⁺·calamity I·laugh
I·mock when·entering your⁺·trembling :
when·entering as·vanity your⁺·trembling and·your⁺·calamity as·blast he·comes
when·entering upon·you⁺ rockiness and·overpouring :
then they·call⁺·me and I·do·not·respond
they·seek·morning·for⁺·me and they·do·not·find⁺·me :
under as they·hated⁺ knowledge
and·the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ they·did·not·choose⁺ :
they·did·not·want⁺ to·my·counsel
they·disregarded⁺ all·of my·reproof :
and·they·eat⁺ from·the·fruit·of their·step
and·from·their·counsels⁺ they·are·satisfied⁺ :
as backturning·of gullible⁺ she·kills·them
and·relaxation·of fool⁺ she·loses·them :
and·hearing to·me he·dwells trust
and·he·was·placid from·trembling·of badness :
my·son if you·take my·sayings⁺
and·my·commandments⁺ you·keep·secret with·you :
to·listen to·the·wisdom your·ear
you·branch·out your·heart to·the·discernment :
but rather to·the·discernment you·call
to·the·discernment you·give your·voice :
if you·seek·her as·the·silver
and·as·the·buried·treasures⁺ you·search·her :
then you·discern the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·knowledge·of Powers⁺ you·find :
as Yʜᴡʜ he·gives wisdom
from·his·mouth knowledge and·discernment :
he·keeps·secret to·the·straight⁺ sagacity
guard to·walking⁺·of completeness :
to·protect ways⁺·of judgment
and·the·step·of his·merciful⁺ he·watches :
then you·discern justice and·judgment
and·straightness⁺ all·of wagonway·of good :
as she·enters wisdom in·your·heart
and·knowledge to·your·soul he·is·amiable :
determination she·watches upon·you discernment she·protects·you :
to·snatch·you·away from·step bad
from·man speaker perversions⁺ :
that·abandon⁺ ways⁺·of straightness
to·walk in·steps⁺·of darkness :
the·glad⁺ to·do bad
they·twirl⁺ in·perversions⁺·of bad :
that their·ways⁺ warped⁺
and·skewed⁺ in·their·wagonways⁺ :
to·snatch·you·away from·woman stranger
from·unrecognized her·sayings⁺ she·was·divided :
that·abandons the·alpha·of her·youth⁺
and·°the·covenant·of her·Powers⁺ she·forgot :
as she·lay·in·the·pit to death her·house
and·to raphahs⁺ her·wagonways⁺ :
all·of that·enter⁺·her they·do·not·return⁺
and they·do·not·catch⁺ ways⁺·of life⁺ :
because·of ꜝwalk in·step·of good⁺
and·ways⁺·of just⁺ you·watch :
as straight⁺ they·dwell⁺ land
and·complete⁺ they·remain⁺ in·her :
and·wicked⁺ from·land they·are·cut·down⁺
and·covert⁺ they·yank⁺ from·her :
my·son my·torah ꜝdo·not·forget
and·my·commandments⁺ he·protects your·heart :
as length·of days⁺ and·years⁺·of life⁺
and·shalom they·add⁺ to·you :
mercy and·truth ꜝlet·them·not·abandon⁺·you
ꜝleague·them upon your·jaw-jaws⁺
ꜝwrite·them upon the·slate·of your·heart :
and·ꜝfind grace and·prudence good
in·the·eyes²·of Powers⁺ and·adam :
ꜝtrust to Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of your·heart
and·to your·discernment ꜝdo·not·be·staffed :
in·all·of your·steps⁺ ꜝknow·him
and·he he·straightens your·ways⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·be wise in·your·eyes²
ꜝfear °Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝmove from·bad :
health ꜝlet·her·be to·your·binding
and·drink to·your·bones⁺ :
ꜝgive·weight °Yʜᴡʜ from·your·wealth
and·from·the·headmost·of all·of your·inbringing :
and·they·are·filled⁺ your·barrels⁺ satisfaction
and·winemust your·vats⁺ they·erupt⁺ :
the·instruction·of Yʜᴡʜ my·son ꜝdo·not·reject
and ꜝdo·not·be·vexed in·his·reproof :
as °that he·loves Yʜᴡʜ he·reproves
and·as·father °son he·favors :
blessedness⁺·of adam he·found wisdom
and·adam he·reels·in discernment :
as good her·merchandise from·merchandise·of silver
and·from·precision-gold her·inbringing :
precious she from·corneredgems⁺
and·all·of your·pleasures⁺ they·are·not·on·a·level⁺ in·her :
length·of days⁺ in·her·right
in·her·left riches and·weight :
her·steps⁺ steps⁺·of amiability
and·all·of her·paths⁺ shalom :
tree·of life⁺ she to·that·grasp·firmly⁺ in·her
and·her·graspers⁺ blessed :
Yʜᴡʜ in·wisdom he·founded land
he·made·sure skies⁺ in·discernment :
in·his·knowledge rumblewaves⁺ they·were·cleaved⁺
and·wisps⁺ they·sprinkle·down⁺ dew :
my·son ꜝlet·them·not·skew⁺ from·your·eyes²
ꜝprotect sagacity and·determination :
and·they·are⁺ life⁺ to·your·soul
and·grace to·your·jaw-jaws⁺ :
then you·walk to·trust your·step
and·your·foot she·does·not·smite :
if you·bed you·do·not·tremble
and·you·bedded and·she·was·even your·sleep :
ꜝdo·not·fear from·trembling suddenly
and·from·vanity·of wicked⁺ as she·enters :
as Yʜᴡʜ he·is in·your·folly
and·he·watched your·foot from·being·seized :
ꜝdo·not·deprive good from·his·masters⁺
when·being to·the·powr·of your·hand to·do :
ꜝdo·not·say to·your·tendent ꜝwalk and·ꜝreturn and·aftermorrow I·give and·there·is with·you :
ꜝdo·not·craft upon your·tendent badness
and·he settling to·trust with·you :
ꜝdo·not·argue near adam gratuitously
if he·did·not·yield·you badness :
ꜝdo·not·be·jealous in·man·of violence
and ꜝdo·not·choose in·all·of his·steps⁺ :
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ skewed
and·with straight⁺ his·confidences :
the·curse·of Yʜᴡʜ in·house·of wicked
and·habitation·of just⁺ he·kneels :
if to·the·scorners⁺ he he·scorns
and·to·humiliated he·gives grace :
weight wise⁺ they·derive⁺
and·fool⁺ heightening roasting :
ꜝhear⁺ sons⁺ instruction·of father
and·ꜝlisten⁺ to·know discernment :
as taking-in·knowledge good I·gave to·you⁺
my·torah ꜝdo·not·abandon⁺ :
as son I·was to·my·father
soft and·unique to·the·face⁺·of my·mama :
and·he·torahs·me and·he·says to·me he·grasps my·speeches⁺ your·heart
ꜝwatch my·commandments⁺ and·ꜝlive :
ꜝstock·up wisdom ꜝstock·up discernment
ꜝdo·not·forget and ꜝdo·not·branch·out from·the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth :
ꜝdo·not·abandon·her and·she·watches·you
ꜝlove·her and·she·protects·you :
headmost wisdom ꜝstock·up wisdom
and·in·all·of your·stock ꜝstock·up discernment :
ꜝadvance·her and·she·heightens·you
she·gives·you·weight as you·hug·her :
she·gives to·your·head wreath·of grace
crown·of sprigging she·guards·you :
ꜝhear my·son and·ꜝtake my·sayings⁺
and·they·multiply⁺ to·you years⁺·of life⁺ :
in·step·of wisdom I·torahed·you
I·made·you·step in·wagonways⁺·of straightness :
when·you·walk he·is·not·rocky your·pace
and·if you·run you·do·not·stumble :
ꜝgrasp·firmly in·the·instruction ꜝdo·not·slack·off
ꜝprotect·her as she your·life⁺ :
in·way·of wicked⁺ ꜝdo·not·enter
and ꜝdo·not·bless in·step·of bad⁺ :
ꜝdishevel·him ꜝdo·not·cross·over in·him
ꜝdrift from·upon·him and·ꜝcross·over :
as they·do·not·sleep⁺ if they·do·not·do·bad⁺
and·she·was·robbed their·sleep if they·do·not·cause·to·stumble⁺ :
as they·ate·bread⁺ bread·of wickedness
and·wine·of violences⁺ they·drink⁺ :
and·way·of just⁺ as·light·of brightness
walking and·lighting·up unto the·assured·of the·day :
step·of wicked⁺ as·the·blackness
they·did·not·know⁺ in·¿what they·stumble⁺ :
my·son to·my·speeches⁺ ꜝlisten!
to·my·sayings⁺ ꜝbranch·out your·ear :
they·do·not·skew⁺ from·your·eyes²
ꜝwatch·them in·the·midst·of your·heart :
as life⁺ they⁺ to·their·finders⁺
and·to·all·of his·flesh healing :
from·all·of watch ꜝprotect your·heart
as from·him outgoings⁺·of life⁺ :
ꜝremove from·you warpedness·of mouth
and·skewing·of lips² ꜝmove·faroff from·you :
your·eyes² to·in·view they·look⁺
and·your·flyelids⁺ they·set·straight⁺ before·you :
ꜝscale the·wagonway·of your·foot
and·all·of your·steps⁺ they·are·assured⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·branch·out right and·left
ꜝremove your·foot from·bad :
my·son to·my·wisdom ꜝlisten!
to·my·discernment ꜝbranch·out your·ear :
to·watch determinations⁺
and·knowledge your·lips² they·protect⁺ :
as syrup they·distill⁺ lips²·of stranger
and·devisive from·oil her·palate :
and·her·afterward bitter as·the·poison
sharp as·sword·of mouths⁺ :
her·feet² descending⁺ death
sheol her·paces⁺ they·grasp⁺ :
way·of life⁺ lest you·scale
they·rattled⁺ her·wagonways⁺ you·do·not·know :
and·now sons⁺ ꜝhear⁺ to·me
and ꜝdo·not·move⁺ from·the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth :
ꜝmove·faroff from·upon·her your·step
and ꜝdo·not·be·present to the·opening·of her·house :
lest you·give to·after⁺ your·splendor
and·your·years⁺ to·cruel :
lest they·are·satisfied⁺ strangers⁺ your·vigor
and·your·pains⁺ in·house·of unrecognized :
and·you·growled in·your·afterward
when·all·through your·flesh and·your·meat :
and·you·said ¿ħow I·hated instruction
and·reproof he·disregarded my·heart :
and I·did·not·hear in·the·voice·of my·torahingrains⁺
and·to·that·disciple⁺·me I·did·not·branch·out my·ear :
as·little I·was in·all bad
in·midst·of congregation and·assembly :
ꜝdrink waters⁺ from·your·well
and·cascades⁺ from·the·midst·of your·well :
they·are·scattered⁺ your·eyewells⁺ ➝exterior
in·the·broadways⁺ furrows⁺·of waters⁺ :
they·are⁺ to·you alone·you
and·there·is·ńot to·strangers⁺ with·you :
ꜝlet·him·be your·fountain knelt·to
and·ꜝbe·glad from·the·woman·of your·youth⁺ :
powerdeer·of loves⁺ and·benefitdeer·of grace
her·intimates² they·overflow⁺·you in·all·of season
in·her·love you·stray always :
and·to·¿what you·stray my·son in·stranger
and·you·hug bosom·of unrecognized :
as in·view·of the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ steps⁺·of man
and·all·of his·wagonways⁺ scaling :
his·guilts⁺ they·seize⁺·him °the·wicked
and·in·the·ropes⁺·of his·sin he·is·grasped :
he he·dies in·there·is·ńot instruction
and·in·the·multitude·of his·wrongdoing he·strays :
my·son if you·pledged to·your·tendent
you·hit to·the·stranger your·spoons² :
you·were·ensnared in·the·sayings⁺·of your·mouth
you·were·seized in·the·sayings⁺·of your·mouth :
ꜝdo this tẖen my·son and·ꜝbe·snatched·away as you·entered in·the·spoon·of your·tendent
ꜝwalk ꜝlet·yourself·be·stomped·down and·ꜝforce your·tendents⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·give sleep to·your·eyes²
and·snooze to·your·flyelids⁺ :
ꜝbe·snatched·away as·prettygazelle from·hand
and·as·skippingbird from·hand·of ensnarer :
ꜝwalk to ant idler
ꜝsee her·steps⁺ and·ꜝbe·wise :
that there·is·ńot to·her endofficer·of officer and·ruler :
she·makes·sure in·the·summer her·bread
she·garnered in·the·crop her·edibles :
unto ¿wħen idler you·bed
¿wħen you·arise from·your·sleep :
little·of sleeps⁺ little·of snooze⁺
little·of hugging·of hands² to·bed :
and·he·entered as·walking your·poverty
and·your·lack as·man·of guard :
adam·of no-benefit man·of iniquity
walking warpedness·of mouth :
twitching in·his·eyes² snipping in·his·feet²
torahing in·his·fingers⁺ :
perversions⁺ in·his·heart crafting bad in·all·of season
vindictiveness⁺ he·sends·out :
upon surely suddenly he·enters his·calamity
suddenly he·is·broken and·there·is·ńot healing :
six·of they⁺ he·hated Yʜᴡʜ
and·seven the·abomination·of his·soul :
eyes² high⁺ tongue·of falsehood
and·hands² spillers⁺ blood innocent :
heart crafting considerations⁺·of iniquity
feet² speeding⁺ to·run to·the·badness :
he·blooms lies⁺ witness·of falsehood
and·sending·out vindictiveness⁺ between brothers⁺ :
ꜝprotect my·son the·commandment·of your·father
and ꜝdo·not·leave the·torah·of your·mama :
ꜝleague·them upon your·heart always
ꜝattach·them upon your·jaw-jaws⁺ :
when·you·walk·yourself she·guides °you when·you·bed she·watches upon·you
and·you·awoke she she·meditates·you :
as lamp commandment and·torah light
and·step·of life⁺ reproofs⁺·of instruction :
to·watch·you from·woman·of bad
from·division·of tongue unrecognized :
ꜝdo·not·desire her·beauty in·your·heart
and ꜝlet·her·not·take·you in·her·flyelids⁺ :
as about woman fornicator unto round·of bread
and·woman·of man
soul precious she·hunts :
¿he·firepans man fire in·his·bosom
and·his·coverings⁺ they·are·not·burned⁺ :
if he·walks man upon the·embers⁺
and·his·feet² they·are·not·blistered⁺ :
surely that·enters to the·woman·of his·tendent
he·is·not·innocent all that·touches in·her :
they·do·not·despise⁺ to·the·stealer as he·steals
to·fill his·soul as he·is·hungry :
and·found he·shaloms seven·times²
°all·of the·wealth·of his·house he·gives :
adulterer woman lacking·of heart
ruining his·soul he he·does·her :
touch and·roasting he·finds
and·his·detraction she·is·not·wiped·away :
as jealousy heat·of hero
and he·does·not·pity in·day·of vengeance :
he·does·not·bear·up face⁺·of all·of atonement·price
and he·does·not·want as you·multiply bribe :
my·son ꜝwatch my·sayings⁺
and·my·commandments⁺ you·keep·secret with·you :
ꜝwatch my·commandments⁺ and·ꜝlive
and·my·torah as·the·manling·of your·eyes² :
ꜝleague·them upon your·fingers⁺
ꜝwrite·them upon the·slate·of your·heart :
ꜝsay to·the·wisdom my·sister you
and·wellknown to·the·discernment you·call :
to·watch·you from·woman stranger
from·unrecognized her·sayings⁺ she·was·divided :
as in·the·window-piercing·of my·house
about my·drapery I·peered·out :
and·I·see in·the·gullible⁺ ꜝlet·me·discern in·the·sons⁺ youth lacking·of heart :
crosser in·the·legway beside her·corner
and·the·step·of her·house he·paces :
in·evening·breeze in·evening·of day
in·manling·of night and·blackness :
and·¡lo! woman to·call·on·him
put-on·of fornicator and·protected·of heart :
humming she and·defiant
in·her·house they·do·not·dwell⁺ her·feet² :
time in·the·exterior time in·the·broadways⁺
and·beside all·of corner she·ambushes :
and·she·grasped·firmly in·him and·she·kissed to·him
she·made·mighty her·face⁺ and·she·says to·him :
offerings⁺·of shaloms⁺ upon·me
the·day I·shalomed my·vows⁺ :
upon surely I·went to·call·on·you
to·seek·morning·for your·face⁺ and·I·find·you :
spreads⁺ I·spread my·mattress
hewn⁺ the·√linen·of Egypts² :
I·exalted my·bed
bitters aloes⁺ and·cinnamon :
ꜝwalk! we·overflow⁺ intimacies⁺ unto the·dayplow
ꜝlet·us·exult·ourselves⁺ in·loves⁺ :
as there·is·ńot the·man in·his·house
he·walked in·step from·afar :
the·rocklet·of the·silver he·took in·his·hand
to·the·day·of the·covered·moon he·enters his·house :
she·branched·out·him in·the·multitude·of her·taking-in·knowledge
in·the·dividend·of her·lips² she·banishes·him :
walking after⁺·her suddenly
as·bull to butchering he·enters
and·as·bangle to instruction·of wrongdoer :
unto he·cuts·in·pieces arrow his·weighty·organ as·speeding skippingbird to trap
and he·did·not·know as in·his·soul he :
and·now sons⁺ ꜝhear⁺ to·me
and·ꜝlisten⁺ to·the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth :
ꜝlet·him·not·drift to her·steps⁺ your·heart
ꜝdo·not·wander in·her·paths⁺ :
as many⁺ pierced⁺ she·let·fall
and·strongboned⁺ all·of that·are·killed⁺·her :
steps⁺·of sheol her·house
descending⁺ to chambers⁺·of death :
¿not wisdom she·calls
and·discernment she·gives her·voice :
in·head·of heights⁺ upon step
between paths⁺ she·was·posted :
to·hand·of gates⁺ to·mouth·of citywall
entrance·of openings⁺ she·shouts :
to·you⁺ men⁺ I·call
and·my·voice to sons⁺·of adam :
ꜝgive·discernment⁺ gullible⁺ smoothness
and·fool⁺ ꜝgive·discernment⁺ heart :
ꜝhear⁺ as foremosts⁺ I·speak
and·the·opening·of my·lips² straightness⁺ :
as truth he·echoes my·palate
and·the·abomination·of my·lips² wickedness :
in·justice all·of the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth
there·is·ńot in·them knotted and·warped :
all·of·them in·view⁺ to·that·gives·discernment
and·straight⁺ to·finders⁺·of knowledge :
ꜝtake⁺ my·instruction and·not silver
and·knowledge from·precision-gold choice :
as good wisdom from·corneredgems⁺
and·all·of pleasures⁺ they·are·not·on·a·level⁺ in·her :
I wisdom I·dwelled smoothness
and·knowledge·of determinations⁺ I·find :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ hating bad
majesty and·majesty and·step bad and·mouth·of perversions⁺ I·hated :
to·me counsel and·sagacity
I discernment to·me heroism :
in·me kings⁺ they·are·king⁺
and·sovereign⁺ they·prescribe⁺ justice :
in·me princes⁺ they·rule·as·prince⁺
and·nobles⁺ all·of judges⁺·of justice :
I that·love⁺·me I·love
and·my·morningseekers⁺ they·find⁺·me :
riches and·weight with·me
wealth surpassing and·justice :
good my·fruit from·precision-gold and·from·sterling
and·my·inbringing from·silver choice :
in·way·of justice I·walk
in·midst·of paths⁺·of judgment :
to·derive·for that·love⁺·me there·is
and·their·treasures⁺ I·fill :
Yʜᴡʜ he·stocked·me·up the·headmost·of his·step
the·frontmost·of his·works⁺ from·then·on :
from·eternity I·was·libated·out from·head from·frontmost⁺·of land :
in·there·is·ńot rumblewaves⁺ I·was·whirled·in·labor
in·there·is·ńot eyewells⁺ weighty⁺·of waters⁺ :
in·ere mounts⁺ they·were·sunk⁺
to·face⁺·of hills⁺ I·was·whirled·in·labor :
unto he·did·not·do land and·exteriors⁺
and·head·of dusts⁺·of world :
when·he·makes·sure skies⁺ there I
when·he·inscribes orbit upon face⁺·of rumblewave :
when·he·emboldens wisps⁺ from·upward
when·mighty eyewells⁺·of rumblewave :
when·he·places to·the·sea his·prescription and·waters⁺ they·do·not·cross·over⁺ his·mouth
when·he·inscribes foundations⁺·of land :
and·I·am beside·him true·one
and·I·am delights⁺ day day
making·laughter to·his·face⁺ in·all·of season :
making·laughter in·the·world·of his·land
and·my·delights⁺ with sons⁺·of adam :
and·now sons⁺ ꜝhear⁺ to·me
and·the·blessedness⁺·of my·steps⁺ they·watch⁺ :
ꜝhear⁺ instruction and·ꜝbe·wise⁺ and ꜝdo·not·dishevel⁺ :
blessedness⁺·of adam hearing to·me
to·keep·vigil upon my·pulldoors⁺ day day
to·watch the·doorposts⁺·of my·openings⁺ :
as my·finder he·found life⁺
and·he·reels·in favor from·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·my·sinner doing·violence his·soul
all·of that·hate⁺·me they·loved⁺ death :
wisdom⁺ she·built her·house
she·quarried her·standing·pillars⁺ seven :
she·butchered her·butchering she·mingled her·wine
¡yes! she·lined·up her·table :
she·sent her·youths⁺ she·calls
upon bodies⁺·of heights⁺·of citywall :
¿who gullible he·moves here
lacking·of heart she·said to·him :
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝeat·bread⁺ in·my·bread
and·ꜝdrink⁺ in·wine I·mingled :
ꜝabandon⁺ gullible⁺ and·ꜝlive⁺
and·ꜝbe·blessed⁺ in·step·of discernment :
instructing scorner taking to·him roasting
and·reproof to·wicked his·smudge :
ꜝdo·not·reprove scorner lest he·hates·you
ꜝreprove to·wise and·he·loves·you :
ꜝgive to·wise and·he·is·wise again
ꜝlet·know to·just and·ꜝlet·him·add taking-in·knowledge :
first·pierce·of wisdom the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·knowledge·of sacred⁺ discernment :
as in·me they·multiply⁺ your·days⁺
and·they·add⁺ to·you years⁺·of life⁺ :
if you·were·wise you·were·wise to·you
and·you·scorned alone·you you·bear :
woman·of foolishness humming
gullibility and she·did·not·know ¿what :
and·she·settled to·the·opening·of her·house
upon throne heights⁺·of citywall :
to·call to·crossers⁺·of step
that·straighten⁺ their·ways⁺ :
¿who gullible he·moves here
and·lacking·of heart and·she·said to·him :
waters⁺ stolen⁺ they·are·sweet⁺
and·bread·of hiddenness⁺ he·is·amiable :
and he·did·not·know as raphahs⁺ there
in·depths⁺·of sheol that·are·called⁺·her :
the·similes⁺·of Shalomo
son wise he·gladdens father
and·son fool the·sorrow·of his·mama :
they·do·not·benefit⁺ treasures⁺·of wickedness
and·justice she·snatches·away from·death :
he·does·not·let·hunger Yʜᴡʜ soul·of just
and·mishap·of wicked⁺ he·thrusts :
poor doing spoon·of trickery
and·hand·of incision⁺ she·enriches :
garnering in·the·summer son prudent
slumbering in·the·crop son shame :
kneelings⁺ to·head·of just
and·mouth·of wicked⁺ he·covers violence :
memory·of just to·kneeling
and·name·of wicked⁺ he·rots :
wise·of heart he·takes commandments⁺
and·wrongdoer·of lips² he·is·pushed·down :
walking in·the·completeness he·walks trust
and·warping his·steps⁺ he·is·known :
twitching eye he·gives pain
and·wrongdoer·of lips² he·is·pushed·down :
fountain·of life⁺ mouth·of just
and·mouth·of wicked⁺ he·covers violence :
hatred she·arouses vindictiveness⁺
and·upon all·of rebellions⁺ she·covers love :
in·lips²·of discerner she·is·found wisdom
and·stem to·back·of lacking·of heart :
wise⁺ they·keep·secret⁺ knowledge
and·mouth·of wrongdoer casting·down present :
wealth·of rich the·walledcity·of his·might
casting·down·of pulled·down⁺ their·poverty :
work·of just to·life⁺
inbringing·of wicked to·sin :
way to·life⁺ watching·of instruction
and·abandoning·of reproof leading·to·wander :
covering hatred lips²·of falsehood
and·letting·go slurs he fool :
in·multitude·of speeches⁺ he·does·not·cease rebellion
and·the·keeping·of his·lips² prudent :
silver choice tongue·of just
heart·of wicked⁺ as·little :
lips²·of just they·tend⁺ many⁺
and·wrongdoer⁺ in·lacking·of heart they·die⁺ :
the·kneeling·of Yʜᴡʜ she she·enriches
and he·does·not·add pain near·her :
as·laughter to·fool doing evil·determination
and·wisdom to·man·of discernment :
dislodgement·of wicked she she·enters·him
and·yearning·of just⁺ he·gives :
as·crossing·over blast and·there·is·ńot wicked
and·just foundation·of eternity :
as·the·sours to·the·teeth² and·as·the·smoke to·the·eyes²
surely the·idler to·that·send⁺·him :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ she·adds days⁺
and·years⁺·of wicked⁺ they·are·cropped·short⁺ :
waiting·of just⁺ gladness
and·hope·of wicked⁺ she·is·lost :
mighty·place to·the·completeness the·step·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·casting·down to·workers⁺·of iniquity :
just to·eternity he·is·not·shaken
and·wicked⁺ they·do·not·dwell⁺ land :
mouth·of just he·produces wisdom
and·tongue·of perversions⁺ she·is·cut·down :
lips²·of just they·know⁺ favor
and·mouth·of wicked⁺ perversions⁺ :
earscales²·of trickery the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·stone shalomic his·favor :
entering overboiling and·he·enters roasting
and·with meek⁺ wisdom :
completeness·of straight⁺ she·guides·them
and·twistedness·of covert⁺ he·overbreasts·them :
he·does·not·benefit wealth in·day·of crossness
and·justice she·snatches·away from·death :
justice·of complete she·straightens his·step
and·in·his·wickedness he·falls wicked :
justice·of straight⁺ she·snatches·them·away
and·in·mishap·of covert⁺ they·are·seized⁺ :
in·death·of adam wicked she·is·lost hope
and·waiting·of vitality⁺ she·was·lost :
just from·rockiness redressed
and·he·enters wicked unders⁺·him :
in·mouth profane he·ruins his·tendent
and·in·knowledge just⁺ they·are·redressed⁺ :
in·goodness·of just⁺ she·exults walledcity
and·when·lost wicked⁺ shouting :
in·kneeling·of straight⁺ she·is·high citywall
and·in·mouth·of wicked⁺ she·is·demolished :
despising to·his·tendent lacking·of heart
and·man·of discernments⁺ he·crafts·silence :
walking gossip-trading stripping·out confidences
and·true·of breath covering speech :
in·there·is·ńot ropes⁺ he·falls people
and·salvation in·multitude·of counselor :
bad he·is·done·bad as he·pledged stranger
and·hating hitting⁺ trusting :
woman·of grace she·grasps weight
and·awesome⁺ they·grasp⁺ riches :
yielding his·soul man·of mercy
and·roiling his·meat cruel :
wicked doing work·of falsehood
and·seeding justice hire·of truth :
sure justice to·life⁺
and·pursuer badness to·his·death :
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ warped⁺·of heart
and·his·favor complete⁺·of step :
hand to·hand he·is·not·innocent bad
and·seed·of just⁺ he·was·delivered :
jewel·of gold in·nostrils·of swine
woman beautiful and·moving·away·of taste :
yearning·of just⁺ surely good
hope·of wicked⁺ crossness :
there·is sowing·about and·added again
and·keeping from·straightness surely to·lack :
soul·of kneeling she·is·made·bountiful
and·overflowing also he he·is·torahed :
depriving food they·stomachcurse⁺·him nation
and·kneeling to·head·of selling·brokencorn :
seeking·morning·for good he·seeks favor
and·investigating badness she·enters·him :
trusting in·his·riches he he·falls
and·as·the·upper·leaf just⁺ they·bud⁺ :
roiling his·house he·derives breath
and·servant wrongdoer to·wise·of heart :
fruit·of just tree·of life⁺
and·taking souls⁺ wise :
¡lo! just in·the·land he·is·shalomed
¡yes! as wicked and·sinner :
loving instruction loving knowledge
and·hating reproof consumerish :
good he·reels·in favor from·Yʜᴡʜ
and·man·of determinations⁺ he·causes·to·do·wickedness :
he·is·not·assured adam in·wickedness
and·root·of just⁺ he·is·not·shaken :
woman·of strength the·crown·of her·master
and·as·rottenness in·his·bones⁺ shame :
considerations⁺·of just⁺ judgment
ropes⁺·of wicked⁺ trickery :
speeches⁺·of wicked⁺ ambushing blood
and·mouth·of straight⁺ he·snatches·them·away :
converting wicked⁺ and·they·are·ńot⁺
and·house·of just⁺ he·stands :
to·the·mouth·of his·prudence he·is·praised man
and·guilty·of heart he·is to·despisal :
good roasted and·servant to·him
from·giving·oneself·weight and·lacking·of bread :
knowing just the·soul·of his·beast
and·wombliness⁺·of wicked⁺ cruel :
servant his·adamah he·is·satisfied bread
and·pursuer empty⁺ lacking·of heart :
he·desired wicked huntnet·of bad⁺
and·root·of just⁺ he·gives :
in·rebellion·of lips² snare bad
and·he·goes from·rockiness just :
from·fruit·of mouth·of man he·is·satisfied good
and·yield·of hands²·of adam he·returns to·him :
step·of wrongdoer straight in·his·eyes²
and·hearing to·counsel wise :
wrongdoer in·the·day he·is·known his·trouble
and·covering roasting smooth :
he·blooms truth he·tells·forth justice
and·witness·of falsehoods⁺ trickery :
there·is blurting as·stab⁺·of sword
and·tongue·of wise⁺ healing :
lip·of truth she·is·assured to·onward
and·unto in·a·wink tongue·of falsehood :
trickery in·heart·of crafting⁺·of bad
and·to·counselors⁺·of shalom gladness :
he·is·not·occasioned to·the·just all·of iniquity
and·wicked⁺ they·filled⁺ bad :
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ lips²·of falsehood
and·doing⁺·of truth his·favor :
adam smooth covering knowledge
and·heart·of fool⁺ he·calls wrongdoing :
hand·of incision⁺ she·rules
and·trickery she·is to·levy :
anxiety in·heart·of man he·prostrates·her
and·speech good he·gladdens·her :
ꜝlet·him·send·scouts from·his·tendent just
and·step·of wicked⁺ she·leads·them·to·wander :
he·does·not·grill trickery his·hunting
and·wealth·of adam precious incision :
in·way·of justice life⁺
and·step·of path not death :
son wise instruction·of father
and·scorner he·did·not·hear rebuke :
from·fruit·of mouth·of man he·eats good
and·soul·of covert⁺ violence :
protecting his·mouth watching his·soul
splaying his·lips² casting·down to·him :
yearning and·there·is·ńot his·soul idler
and·soul·of incision⁺ she·is·made·bountiful :
speech·of falsehood he·hates just
and·wicked he·makes·stink and·he·causes·to·be·dug·under :
justice she·protects completeness·of step
and·wickedness she·twists sin :
there·is enriching·oneself and·there·is·ńot all
impoverishing·oneself and·wealth much :
atonement·price·of soul·of man his·riches
and·poor he·did·not·hear rebuke :
light·of just⁺ he·is·glad
and·lamp·of wicked⁺ he·is·extinguished :
only in·overboiling he·gives strife
and·with consulting⁺ wisdom :
wealth from·vapor he·is·made·little
and·collecting upon hand he·multiplies :
waiting·of drawn·out piercing heart
and·tree·of life⁺ yearning entering :
despising to·speech he·is·roped·up to·him
and·fearful·of commandment he he·is·shalomed :
torah·of wise fountain·of life⁺
to·move from·snares⁺·of death :
prudence good he·gives grace
and·step·of covert⁺ rugged :
all smooth he·does in·knowledge
and·fool he·stretches wrongdoing :
minister wicked he·falls in·bad
and·informer·of truth⁺ healing :
poverty and·roasting disheveling instruction
and·watching reproof he·is·given·weight :
yearning having·been she·is·even to·soul
and·abomination·of fool⁺ moving from·bad :
walking with wise⁺ he·is·wise
and·tending fool⁺ he·is·done·bad :
sinful⁺ she·pursues badness
and·°just⁺ he·shaloms good :
good he·derives·for sons⁺·of sons⁺
and·secret to·the·just strength·of sinner :
multitude·of edibles tillage·of poor⁺
and·there·is swept·away in·not judgment :
keeping his·stem hating his·son
and·that·loves·him he·sought·morning·for·him instruction :
just eating to·the·satisfaction·of his·soul
and·belly·of wicked⁺ she·is·lacking :
wise⁺·of women⁺ she·built her·house
and·wrongdoing in·her·hands² she·demolishes·him :
walking in·his·straightness the·fearful·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·skewed·of his·steps⁺ that·despises·him :
in·mouth·of wrongdoer scion·of majesty
and·lips²·of wise⁺ she·watches·them :
in·there·is·ńot alephs⁺ manger clean
and·multitude·of inbringings⁺ in·vigor·of bull :
witness·of truth⁺ he·does·not·lìe
and·he·blooms lies⁺ witness·of falsehood :
he·sought scorner wisdom and·there·is·ńot
and·knowledge to·discerner slight :
ꜝwalk from·before to·man fool
and you·did·not·know lips²·of knowledge :
wisdom·of smooth giving·discernment his·step
and·wrongdoing·of fool⁺ trickery :
wrongdoer⁺ he·scorns transgression
and·between straight⁺ favor :
heart knowing the·bitterness·of his·soul
and·in·his·gladness he·does·not·pledge·himself stranger :
house·of wicked⁺ he·is·destroyed
and·tent·of straight⁺ he·causes·to·bud :
there·is step straight to·face⁺·of man
and·her·afterward steps⁺·of death :
also in·laughter he·is·hurting heart
and·her·afterward gladness sorrow :
from·his·steps⁺ he·is·satisfied skimming·away heart
and·from·upon·him man good :
gullible he·is·true to·all·of speech
and·smooth he·discerns to·his·blessed·step :
wise fearful and·removed from·bad
and·fool cross and·trusting :
cropped·short·of nostrils² he·does wrongdoing
and·man·of determinations⁺ he·is·hated :
they·derived⁺ gullible⁺ wrongdoing
and·smooth⁺ they·encircle⁺ knowledge :
they·were·prostrate⁺ bad⁺ to·face⁺·of good⁺
and·wicked⁺ upon gates⁺·of just :
also to·his·tendent he·is·hated poor
and·loving⁺·of rich many⁺ :
despising to·his·tendent sinner
and·showing·grace humiliated⁺ his·blessedness⁺ :
¿not they·wander⁺ crafting⁺·of bad
and·mercy and·truth crafting⁺·of good :
in·all·of pain he·is what·remains
and·speech·of lips² surely to·lack :
crown·of wise⁺ their·riches
wrongdoing·of fool⁺ wrongdoing :
snatching·away souls⁺ witness·of truth
and·he·blooms lies⁺ trickery :
in·the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ trust·of might
and·to·his·sons⁺ he·is refugee :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ fountain·of life⁺
to·move from·snares⁺·of death :
in·multitude·of people magnificence·of king
and·in·limit·of nation casting·down·of sovereignty :
long·of nostrils² much·of discernment
and·cropped·short·of breath heightening wrongdoing :
life⁺·of fleshes⁺ heart·of healing
and·rottenness·of bones⁺ jealousy :
intimidator pulled·down he·detracted that·does·him
and·that·gives·him·weight gracing wanting :
in·his·badness he·is·overthrown wicked
and·refuging in·his·death just :
in·heart·of discerner she·is·at·peace wisdom
and·in·impresence·of fool⁺ she·is·known :
justice she·heightens clan
and·mercy·of nations⁺ sin :
favor·of king to·servant prudent
and·his·crossness she·is shame :
response soft he·returns heat
and·speech·of pain he·offers·up nostrils :
tongue·of wise⁺ she·does·good knowledge
and·mouth·of fool⁺ he·springs wrongdoing :
in·all·of rising·place the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
sentries⁺ bad⁺ and·good⁺ :
healing·of tongue tree·of life⁺
and·twistedness in·her break in·breath :
wrongdoer he·disregards the·instruction·of his·father
and·watching reproof he·is·smooth :
house·of just dominion much
and·in·inbringing·of wicked roiling :
lips²·of wise⁺ they·winnow⁺ knowledge
and·heart·of fool⁺ not sure :
offering·of wicked⁺ the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·mediation·of straight⁺ his·favor :
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ step·of wicked
and·pursuer justice he·loves :
instruction bad to·abandoning·of way
hating reproof he·dies :
sheol and·Lost·Place before Yʜᴡʜ
¡yes! as hearts⁺·of sons⁺·of adam :
he·does·not·love scorner reproving to·him
to wise⁺ he·does·not·walk :
heart glad he·does·good face⁺
and·in·pain·of heart breath stricken :
heart discerner he·seeks knowledge
and·mouth·of fool⁺ he·tends wrongdoing :
all·of days⁺·of humiliated bad⁺
and·good·of heart drinkingfeast always :
good little in·the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·treasure much and·rumble in·him :
good way-fare·of greens and·love there
from·bull mangered and·hatred in·him :
man·of heat he·chews·on vindictiveness
and·long·of nostrils² he·quiets argument :
step·of idler as·knit·hedge·of barb
and·way·of straight⁺ advanced :
son wise he·gladdens father
and·fool adam despising his·mama :
wrongdoing gladness to·lacking·of heart
and·man·of discernment he·straightens walking :
scuttling considerations⁺ in·there·is·ńot confidences
and·in·multitude·of counselors⁺ she·arises :
gladness to·the·man in·the·response·of his·mouth
and·speech in·his·season ¿what good :
way·of life⁺ to➝upward to·prudent
because·of moving from·sheol beneath :
house·of majestic⁺ he·yanks Yʜᴡʜ
and·ꜝlet·him·post border·of widow :
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ considerations⁺·of bad
and·pure⁺ sayings⁺·of amiability :
roiling his·house profiteering profit
and·hating gifts⁺ he·lives :
heart·of just he·echoes to·respond
and·mouth·of wicked⁺ he·springs bad⁺ :
afar Yʜᴡʜ from·wicked⁺
and·mediation·of just⁺ he·hears :
light·of eyes² he·gladdens heart
hearing good she·makes·bountiful bone :
ear hearing·of reproof·of life⁺
in·impresence·of wise⁺ she·reposes :
disheveling instruction rejecting his·soul
and·hearing reproof stocking·up heart :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ instruction·of wisdom
and·to·face⁺·of weight humble :
to·adam lines⁺·of heart
and·from·Yʜᴡʜ response·of tongue :
all·of steps⁺·of man perfect in·his·eyes²
and·balancing breaths⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝroll to Yʜᴡʜ your·doings⁺
and·they·are·assured⁺ your·considerations⁺ :
all he·worked Yʜᴡʜ to·his·response
and·also wicked to·day·of badness :
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ all·of climbing·of heart
hand to·hand he·is·not·innocent :
in·mercy and·truth he·is·atoned guilt
and·in·the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ moving from·bad :
when·favoring Yʜᴡʜ steps⁺·of man
also his·enemies⁺ he·makes·shalom with·him :
good little in·justice
from·multitude·of inbringings⁺ in·not judgment :
heart·of adam he·considers his·step
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·makes·sure his·pace :
divination upon lips²·of king
in·judgment he·does·not·disguise·himself his·mouth :
scale and·earscales²·of judgment to·Yʜᴡʜ
his·deed all·of stones⁺·of purse :
abomination·of kings⁺ doing wickedness
as in·justice he·is·assured throne :
favor·of kings⁺ lips²·of justice
and·speaker straight⁺ he·loves :
heat·of king ministers⁺·of death
and·man wise he·atones·her :
in·light·of face⁺·of king life⁺
and·his·favor as·fog·of gleaning-rain :
stocking·up wisdom ¿what good from·precision-gold
and·stocking·up discernment choice from·silver :
avenue·of straight⁺ moving from·bad
watching his·soul protecting his·step :
to·face⁺·of break majesty
and·to·face⁺·of stumbling climb·of breath :
good low breath with humiliated⁺
from·dividing plunder with majestic⁺ :
prudent upon speech he·finds good
and·trusting in·Yʜᴡʜ his·blessedness⁺ :
to·wise·of heart he·is·called discerner
and·sweetness·of lips² he·adds taking-in·knowledge :
fountain·of life⁺ the·prudence·of his·masters⁺
and·instruction·of wrongdoer⁺ wrongdoing :
heart·of wise he·makes·prudent his·mouth
and·upon his·lips² he·adds taking-in·knowledge :
topping·of honey sayings⁺·of amiability
sweet to·the·soul and·healing to·the·bone :
there·is step straight to·face⁺·of man
and·her·afterward steps⁺·of death :
soul·of toiler she·toiled to·him
as he·coerced upon·him his·mouth :
man·of no-benefit drilling badness
and·upon his·lip as·fire charring :
man·of perversions⁺ he·sends·out vindictiveness
and·complaining splitter alpha :
man·of violence he·beguiles his·tendent
and·he·caused·him·to·walk in·step not good :
shelling his·eyes² to·consider perversions⁺
twitching his·lips² he·was·all·done badness :
crown·of sprigging gray·head
in·step·of justice she·is·found :
good long·of nostrils² from·hero
and·ruler in·his·breath from·seizing·of city :
in·the·bosom he·is·hurled °the·lot
and·from·Yʜᴡʜ all·of his·judgment :
good morsel withered and·relaxation in·her
from·house full offerings⁺·of argument :
servant prudent he·rules in·son shame
and·in·midst·of brothers⁺ he·divides derivation :
smelter to·the·silver and·cauldron to·the·gold
and·testing hearts⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
bad-doer listening upon lip·of iniquity
falsehood giving·ear upon tongue·of mishaps⁺ :
mocking to·the·poor he·detracted that·does·him
glad to·calamity he·is·not·innocent :
crown·of elders⁺ sons⁺·of sons⁺
and·sprigging·of sons⁺ their·fathers⁺ :
not radiant to·wilted lip·of remainder
¡yes! as to·noble lip·of falsehood :
stone·of grace the·bribe in·the·eyes²·of his·masters⁺
to all that he·faces he·makes·prudent :
covering rebellion seeker love
and·doubling·back in·speech splitter alpha :
she·plunges·in rebuke in·giving·discernment
from·striking fool hundred :
surely bitterness he·seeks bad
and·minister cruel he·is·sent·out in·him :
encountering bear bereaved in·man
and·not fool in·his·wrongdoing :
returning badness under goodness
she·does·not·budge badness from·his·house :
spurting·out waters⁺ headmost·of vindictiveness
and·to·face⁺·of he·meddled·himself the·argument ꜝleave :
justifying wicked and·causing·do·wickedness just
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ also the·two²·of·them :
to·¿what this price in·hand·of fool
to·stock·up wisdom and·heart·of there·is·ńot :
in·all·of season loving the·tendent
and·brother to·rockiness he·is·enchilded :
adam lacking·of heart hitting spoon
pledging pledge to·the·face⁺·of his·tendent :
loving rebellion loving strife
climbing his·opening seeker break :
warped·of heart he·does·not·find good
and·converted in·his·tongue he·falls in·badness :
enchilding fool to·sorrow to·him
and he·is·not·glad father·of wilted :
heart glad he·does·good medicine
and·breath stricken she·dries·up frame :
bribe from·bosom wicked he·takes
to·branch·out ways⁺·of judgment :
with face⁺·of giving·discernment wisdom
and·eyes²·of fool in·end·of land :
trouble to·his·father son fool
and·bitterness to·that·enchilds·him :
also fining to·the·just not good
to·strike nobles⁺ upon straightness :
keeping his·sayings⁺ knowing knowledge
precious·of breath man·of discernment :
also wrongdoer crafting·silence wise he·is·considered
shutting his·lips² discerner :
to·yearning he·seeks split
in·all·of sagacity he·meddles·himself :
he·is·not·pleased fool in·discernment
but rather when·stripping·out·oneself his·heart :
when·entering wicked he·entered also despisal
and·near roasting detraction :
waters⁺ deep⁺ speeches⁺·of mouth·of man
river springing fountain·of wisdom :
bearing·up face⁺·of wicked not good
to·branch·out just in·the·judgment :
lips²·of fool they·enter⁺ in·argument
and·his·mouth to·hammering⁺ he·calls :
mouth·of fool casting·down to·him
and·his·lips² the·snare·of his·soul :
speeches⁺·of complaining as·swallowing·themselves⁺
and·they⁺ they·descended⁺ chambers⁺·of belly :
also slackening·himself in·his·ministry
brother he to·master·of ruin :
great·tower·of might the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·him he·runs just and·he·towered :
wealth·of rich the·walledcity·of his·might
and·as·rampart towering in·his·imagery :
to·face⁺·of break he·climbs heart·of man
and·to·face⁺·of weight humble :
returning speech in·ere he·hears
wrongdoing she to·him and·embarrassment :
breath·of man he·sustains his·piercedness
and·breath stricken ¿who he·bears·her :
heart discerner he·stocks·up knowledge
and·ear·of wise⁺ she·seeks knowledge :
gift·of adam he·broadens to·him
and·to·face⁺·of great⁺ he·guides·him :
just the·headmost in·his·argument
and·he·entered his·tendent and·he·examined·him :
vindictiveness⁺ he·gives·rest the·lot
and·between strongboned⁺ he·splits :
brother rebelled from·walledcity·of might
and·vindictiveness⁺ as·bolt·of highest :
from·fruit·of mouth·of man she·is·satisfied his·belly
the·inbringing·of his·lips² he·is·satisfied :
death and·life⁺ in·hand·of tongue
and·that·love⁺·her he·eats her·fruit :
he·found woman he·found good
and·he·reels·in favor from·Yʜᴡʜ :
graceprayers⁺ he·speaks poor
and·rich he·responds mighty⁺ :
man·of tendents⁺ to·do·oneself·bad
and·there·is loving joining from·brother :
good poor walking in·his·completeness
from·the·warped·of his·lips² and·he fool :
also in·not knowledge soul not good
and·hasty in·feet² sinner :
wrongdoing·of adam she·twists his·step
and·upon Yʜᴡʜ he·is·tempestuous his·heart :
wealth he·adds tendents⁺ many⁺
and·pulled·down from·his·tendent he·is·split :
witness·of falsehoods⁺ he·is·not·innocent
and·he·blooms lies⁺ he·is·not·delivered :
many⁺ they·pierce·the·presence·of⁺ face⁺·of noble
and·all·of the·tendent to·man·of gift :
all·of brothers⁺·of poor they·hated⁺·him ¡yes! as his·tendents⁺ they·were·far⁺ from·him
pursuer sayings⁺ to·him they⁺ :
stocking·up heart loving his·soul
watching discernment to·find good :
witness·of falsehoods⁺ he·is·not·innocent
and·he·blooms lies⁺ he·is·lost :
not radiant to·fool solace
¡yes! as to·servant ruling in·princes⁺ :
prudence·of adam he·prolonged his·nostrils
and·his·sprigging crossing·over upon rebellion :
growling as·the·wolf tempest·of king
and·as·dew upon herb his·favor :
mishaps⁺ to·his·father son fool
and·languishing spewing vindictiveness⁺·of woman :
house and·wealth derivation·of fathers⁺
and·from·Yʜᴡʜ woman prudent :
idleness she·lets·fall slumber
and·soul·of trickery she·is·hungry :
watching commandment watching his·soul
the·despising·of his·steps⁺ he·dies :
the·indebting·of Yʜᴡʜ gracing pulled·down
and·his·yield he·shaloms to·him :
ꜝinstruct your·son as there·is hope
and·to his·putting·to·death ꜝdo·not·bear your·soul :
great·of heat bearing fine
but rather you·snatch·away and·again you·add :
ꜝhear counsel and·ꜝaccept instruction
because·of ꜝbe·wise in·your·afterward :
many⁺ considerations⁺ in·heart·of man
and·the·counsel·of Yʜᴡʜ she she·arises :
yearning·of adam his·mercy
and·good poor from·man·of a·lie :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ to·life⁺
and·satisfied he·reposes he·is·not·reckoned bad :
he·buried idler his·hand in·the·prosperbowl
also to his·mouth he·does·not·return·her :
scorner you·strike and·gullible he·is·smooth
and·reproving to·discerner he·discerns knowledge :
overbreasting·of father he·makes·bolt mama
son shame and·causing·be·dug·under :
ꜝcease my·son to·hear instruction
to·stray from·sayings⁺·of knowledge :
witness·of no-benefit he·scorns judgment
and·mouth·of wicked⁺ he·devours iniquity :
they·were·assured⁺ to·the·scorners⁺ judgments⁺
and·hammering⁺ to·back·of fool⁺ :
scorner the·wine humming strong·drink
and·all straying in·him he·is·not·wise :
growling as·the·wolf terror·of king
his·cross sinner his·soul :
weight to·the·man rest from·argument
and·all wrongdoer he·meddles·himself :
from·tractortime idler he·does·not·craft
and·he·requested in·the·crop and·there·is·ńot :
waters⁺ deep⁺ counsel in·heart·of man
and·man·of discernment he·pulls·her·up :
multitude·of adam he·calls man his·mercy
and·man·of truth⁺ ¿who he·finds :
walking·oneself in·his·completeness just
the·blessedness⁺·of his·sons⁺ after⁺·him :
king settling upon throne·of vindication
winnowing in·his·eyes² all bad :
¿who he·says I·perfected my·heart
I·was·pure from·my·sin :
stone and·stone bucket and·bucket
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ also the·two²·of·them :
also in·his·exploits⁺ he·acts·recognizably youth
if perfect and·if straight his·work :
ear hearing and·eye seeing
Yʜᴡʜ he·did also the·two²·of·them :
ꜝdo·not·love sleep lest you·are·disinherited
ꜝilluminate your·eyes² ꜝbe·satisfied bread :
bad bad he·says that·stocks·up
and·proceeding to·him then he·praises·himself :
there·is gold and·multitude·of corneredgems⁺
and·thing·of preciousness lips²·of knowledge :
ꜝtake his·covering as he·pledged stranger
and·about unrecognized ꜝrope·him :
even to·the·man bread·of falsehood
and·after he·is·filled his·mouth arrow :
considerations⁺ in·counsel she·is·assured
and·in·ropes⁺ ꜝdo battle :
stripping·out confidences walking gossip-trading
and·to·beguiling his·lips² you·do·not·pledge·yourself :
slighting his·father and·his·mama
he·is·extinguished his·lamp in·manling·of darkness :
derivation agent in·the·headmost
and·her·afterward she·is·not·knelt·to :
ꜝdo·not·say ꜝlet·me·shalom bad
ꜝhope to·Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝlet·him·save to·you :
the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ stone and·stone
and·earscales²·of trickery not good :
from·Yʜᴡʜ paces⁺·of hero
and·adam ¿what he·discerns his·step :
snare·of adam ꜝlet·him·gulp·up sanctuary
and·after vows⁺ to·plow :
winnowing wicked⁺ king wise
and·he·returns upon·them wheel :
the·lamp·of Yʜᴡʜ gasp·of adam
searching all·of chambers⁺·of belly :
mercy and·truth they·protect⁺ king
and·he·bolstered in·the·mercy his·throne :
sprigging·of choice·youths⁺ their·vigor
and·magnificence·of elders⁺ gray·head :
stripes⁺·of wound scouring in·bad
and·strokes⁺·of chambers⁺·of belly :
furrows⁺·of waters⁺ heart·of king in·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon all that he·is·pleased he·branches·out·him :
all·of step·of man straight in·his·eyes²
and·balancing hearts⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
doing justice and·judgment
choice to·Yʜᴡʜ from·offering :
highness·of eyes² and·broad·of heart
lamp·of wicked⁺ sin :
considerations⁺·of incision surely to·what·remains
and·all hasty surely to·lack :
work·of treasures⁺ in·tongue·of falsehood
vapor wafted·away seekers⁺·of death :
overbreasting·of wicked⁺ he·chews·them·up
as they·refused⁺ to·do judgment :
perverse-perverse step·of man √evil
and·perfect straight his·work :
good to·settle upon corner·of roof
from·woman·of vindictiveness⁺ and·house·of ally :
soul·of wicked she·yearned·for bad
he·is·not·shown·grace in·his·eyes² his·tendent :
when·fining scorner he·is·wise gullible
and·when·making·prudent to·wise he·takes knowledge :
prudent just to·house·of wicked
twisted wicked⁺ to·the·bad :
shutting his·ear from·cry·of pulled·down
also he he·calls and he·is·not·responded :
gift in·the·hiddenness he·spoons·down nostrils
and·bribe in·the·bosom heat mighty :
gladness to·the·just doing judgment
and·casting·down to·workers⁺·of iniquity :
adam wandering from·step·of making·prudent
in·congregation·of raphahs⁺ he·is·at·peace :
man·of lack loving gladness
loving wine and·oil he·does·not·enrich :
atonement·price to·the·just wicked
and·under straight⁺ covert :
good settling in·land·of outspeak
from·woman·of vindictiveness⁺ and·trouble :
treasure desirable and·oil in·habitation·of wise
and·fool adam he·devours·him :
pursuer justice and·mercy
he·finds life⁺ justice and·weight :
city·of heroes⁺ he·went·up wise
and·he·makes·descend the·might·of her·trust :
watching his·mouth and·his·tongue
watching from·rockinesses⁺ his·soul :
boiling mountainous scorner his·name
doing in·crossness·of overboiling :
yearning·of idler she·puts·him·to·death
as they·refused⁺ his·hands² to·do :
all·of the·day she·yearned·for yearning
and·just he·gives and he·does·not·keep :
offering·of wicked⁺ abomination
¡yes! as in·evil·determination he·brings·him·in :
witness·of lies⁺ he·is·lost
and·man hearing to·forever he·speaks :
he·made·mighty man wicked in·his·face⁺
and·straight he he·discerns his·step :
there·is·ńot wisdom and·there·is·ńot discernment
and·there·is·ńot counsel to·before Yʜᴡʜ :
horse made·sure to·day·of battle
and·to·Yʜᴡʜ the·salvation :
choice name from·riches much
from·silver and·from·gold grace good :
rich and·poor they·encountered·one·another⁺
the·doing·of all·of·them Yʜᴡʜ :
smooth he·saw badness and·he·was·hidden
and·gullible⁺ they·crossed·over⁺ and·they·were·fined⁺ :
on·the·heels·of humble the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ
riches and·weight and·life⁺ :
shieldbriars⁺ traps⁺ in·step·of warped
watching his·soul he·is·far from·them :
ꜝdedicate to·the·youth upon the·mouth·of his·step
also as he·becomes·old he·does·not·move from·her :
rich in·poor⁺ he·rules
and·servant debtor to·man indebting :
seeding evil he·crops iniquity
and·the·stem·of his·crossness he·is·all·through :
good·of eye he he·is·knelt·to
as he·gave from·his·bread to·the·pulled·down :
ꜝdrive·off scorner and·he·goes vindictiveness
and·he·rests vindication and·roasting :
loving pure·of heart
the·grace·of his·lips² his·tendent king :
the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ they·protected⁺ knowledge
and·he·twists speeches⁺·of covert :
he·said idler lion in·the·exterior
in·midst·of broadways⁺ I·am·murdered :
pit deep mouth·of strangers⁺
the·damned·of Yʜᴡʜ he·falls there :
wrongdoing leagued in·heart·of youth
stem·of instruction he·moves·faroff·her from·him :
intimidator pulled·down to·multiply to·him
giving to·rich surely to·lack :
ꜝbranch·out your·ear and·ꜝhear speeches⁺·of wise⁺
and·your·heart you·put to·my·knowledge :
as amiable as you·watch·them in·your·belly
they·are·assured⁺ united upon your·lips² :
to·be in·Yʜᴡʜ your·trust
I·let·you·know the·day ¡yes! you :
¿not I·wrote to·you third-ranking·men⁺
in·counsels⁺ and·knowledge :
to·let·you·know reality·of sayings⁺·of truth
to·return sayings⁺ truth to·that·send⁺·you :
ꜝdo·not·rob pulled·down as pulled·down he
and ꜝdo·not·crush humiliated in·the·gate :
as Yʜᴡʜ he·argues their·argument
and·he·cheated °that·cheat⁺·them soul :
ꜝdo·not·tend·yourself with master·of nostrils
and·with man·of heats⁺ you·do·not·enter :
lest you·alphabet his·ways⁺
and·you·took snare to·your·soul :
ꜝdo·not·be in·hitting⁺·of spoon
in·that·pledge⁺ frauds⁺ :
if there·is·ńot to·you to·shalom
to·¿what he·takes your·bed from·unders⁺·you :
ꜝdo·not·skim border·of eternity
that they·did⁺ your·fathers⁺ :
you·visioned man speedy in·his·ministry to·face⁺·of kings⁺ he·posts·himself
he·does·not·post·himself to·face⁺·of darkness⁺ :
as you·settle to·eat·bread with ruler
discerning you·discern °that to·your·face⁺ :
and·you·placed knife in·your·gullet
if master·of soul you :
ꜝdo·not·yearn·for⁺ to·his·tasties⁺
and·he bread·of lies⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·labor to·enrich
from·your·discernment ꜝcease :
¿you·cause·to·fly your·eyes² in·him and·he·is·ńot
as doing he·does to·him wings²
as·eagle he·flies the·skies⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·eat·bread °bread·of bad·of eye
and ꜝdo·not·yearn·for to·his·tasties⁺ :
as as he·gatekept in·his·soul surely he
ꜝeat and·ꜝdrink he·says to·you
and·his·heart not near·you :
your·morsel you·ate you·vomit·her
and·you·ruined your·speeches⁺ the·amiable⁺ :
in·ears²·of fool ꜝdo·not·speak
as he·despises to·the·prudence·of your·words⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·skim border·of eternity
and·in·fields⁺·of orphans⁺ ꜝdo·not·enter :
as their·goel firm
he he·argues °their·argument with·you :
ꜝbring·in! to·the·instruction your·heart
and·your·ear to·sayings⁺·of knowledge :
ꜝdo·not·deprive from·youth instruction
as you·strike·him in·the·stem he·does·not·die :
you in·the·stem you·strike·him
and·his·soul from·sheol you·snatch·away :
my·son if he·was·wise your·heart
he·is·glad my·heart also I :
and·they·exult⁺ my·allkidneys⁺
when·speaking your·lips² straightness⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·not·be·jealous your·heart in·the·sinful⁺
but rather in·the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·day :
but rather there·is afterward
and·your·hope she·is·not·cut·down :
ꜝhear you my·son and·ꜝbe·wise
and·ꜝbless in·the·step your·heart :
ꜝdo·not·be in·boozers⁺·of wine
in·letting·loose⁺·of flesh to·them :
as boozer and·letting·loose he·is·disinherited
and·torn·pieces⁺ she·robes snoozing :
ꜝhear to·your·father this he·enchilded·you
and ꜝdo·not·despise as she·was·old your·mama :
truth ꜝstock·up and ꜝdo·not·sell
wisdom and·instruction and·discernment :
twirling he·twirls father·of just
and·enchilding wise he·is·glad in·him :
he·is·glad your·father and·your·mama
and·ꜝlet·her·twirl that·enchilds·you :
ꜝgive! my·son your·heart to·me
and·your·eyes² my·steps⁺ they·protect⁺ :
as pit deep fornicator
and·well rocky unrecognized :
¡yes! she as·snag she·ambushes
and·covert⁺ in·adam she·adds :
to·¿who ¡woe! to·¿who want to·¿who vindictiveness⁺ to·¿who meditation to·¿who wounds⁺ gratuitously
to·¿who bleariness·of eyes² :
to·that·keep·aft⁺ upon the·wine
to·that·enter⁺ to·examine mingled·drink :
ꜝdo·not·see wine as he·bloodyreds·himself
as he·gives in·the·cup his·eye
he·walks·himself in·straightness⁺ :
his·afterward as·copperhead he·bites
and·as·snake he·shocks :
your·eyes² they·see⁺ strangers⁺
and·your·heart he·speaks perversions⁺ :
and·you·were as·bedding in·heart·of sea
and·as·bedding in·head·of roperigging :
they·struck⁺·me I·was·not·pierced they·hammered⁺·me I·did·not·know
¿wħen I·awake
I·add I·seek·him again :
ꜝdo·not·be·jealous in·mortals⁺·of badness
and ꜝdo·not·yearn·for to·be with·them :
as overbreasting he·echoes their·heart
and·toil their·lips² they·speak⁺ :
in·wisdom he·is·built house
and·in·discernment he·makes·himself·sure :
and·in·knowledge chambers⁺ they·are·filled⁺
all·of wealth precious and·amiable :
hero wise in·the·might
and·man·of knowledge emboldening vigor :
as in·ropes⁺ you·do to·you battle
and·salvation in·multitude·of counselor :
high⁺ to·wrongdoer wisdom⁺
in·the·gate he·does·not·open his·mouth :
considering to·do·bad
to·him master·of determinations⁺ they·call⁺ :
evil·determination·of wrongdoing sin
and·abomination to·adam scorner :
you·slackened·yourself in·day·of rockiness rocky your·vigor :
ꜝsnatch·away taken⁺ to·the·death
and·shaking⁺ to·the·killing if you·keep :
as you·say ¡lo! we·did·not·know⁺ this
¿not balancing hearts⁺ he he·discerns and·protecting your·soul he he·knows
and·he·returned to·adam as·his·work :
ꜝeat my·son honey as good
and·syrup sweet upon your·palate :
surely ꜝknow! wisdom to·your·soul
if you·found and·there·is afterward
and·your·hope she·is·not·cut·down :
ꜝdo·not·ambush wicked to·habitation·of just
ꜝdo·not·overbreast his·lying·place :
as seven he·falls just and·he·arose
and·wicked⁺ they·stumble⁺ in·badness :
when·falling your·enemy ꜝdo·not·be·glad
and·when·he·stumbles ꜝlet·him·not·twirl your·heart :
lest he·sees Yʜᴡʜ and·he·was·bad in·his·eyes²
and·he·returned from·upon·him his·nostrils :
ꜝdo·not·scorch·yourself in·the·bad-doers⁺
ꜝdo·not·be·jealous in·the·wicked⁺ :
as she·is·not afterward to·the·bad
lamp·of wicked⁺ he·is·extinguished :
ꜝfear °Yʜᴡʜ my·son and·king
near doubling·around⁺ ꜝdo·not·pledge·yourself :
as suddenly he·arises their·calamity
and·crash·of the·two²·of·them ¿who knowing :
also these to·wise⁺
recognizing face⁺ in·judgment not good :
saying to·wicked just you they·stomachcurse⁺·him people⁺
they·damn⁺·him nations⁺ :
and·to·the·reproofs⁺ he·is·amiable
and·upon·them she·enters kneeling·of good :
lips² he·kisses
returning speeches⁺ in·view⁺ :
ꜝmake·sure in·the·exterior your·ministry and·ꜝramready·her in·the·field to·you
after and·you·built your·house :
ꜝdo·not·be witness gratuitously in·your·tendent
and·¿you·beguiled in·your·lips² :
ꜝdo·not·say as·how he·did to·me surely I·do to·him
I·return to·the·man as·his·work :
upon field·of man idler I·crossed·over
and·upon orchard·of adam lacking·of heart :
and·¡lo! he·went·up all·of·him prickles⁺ they·were·covered⁺ his·face⁺ nettles⁺
and·the·fence·of his·stones⁺ she·was·demolished :
and·I·vision I I·put my·heart
I·saw I·took instruction :
little·of sleeps⁺ little·of snooze⁺
little·of hugging·of hands² to·bed :
and·he·entered walking·oneself your·poverty
and·your·lack⁺ as·man·of guard :
also these the·similes⁺·of Shalomo
that they·passed⁺ the·mortals⁺·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand :
the·weight·of Powers⁺ hiding speech
and·weight·of kings⁺ examining speech :
skies⁺ to·the·highness and·land to·the·depth
and·heart·of kings⁺ there·is·ńot examination :
eliminating scums⁺ from·silver
and·he·goes to·the·smelter thing :
eliminating wicked to·face⁺·of king
and·he·is·assured in·the·justice his·throne :
ꜝdo·not·magnify·yourself to·face⁺·of king
and·in·rising·place·of great⁺ ꜝdo·not·stand :
as good saying to·you ꜝgo·up here
from·your·making·low to·face⁺·of noble
that they·saw⁺ your·eyes² :
ꜝdo·not·go to·argue speeding
lest ¿what you·do in·her·afterward
when·embarrassing °you your·tendent :
your·argument ꜝargue with your·tendent
and·confidences·of after ꜝdo·not·strip·out :
lest he·makes·you·merciful hearing
and·your·slurs she·does·not·return :
blossoms⁺·of gold in·imageries⁺·of silver
speech spoken upon his·wheelings⁺ :
jewel·of gold and·piercing·of bullion
reproof wise upon ear hearing :
as·shield·of snow in·day·of crop informer true to·that·send⁺·him
and·the·soul·of his·lords⁺ he·returns :
wellborns⁺ and·breath and·shower there·is·ńot
man self-praising in·gift·of falsehood :
in·length·of nostrils² he·is·beguiled endofficer
and·tongue soft she·breaks frame :
honey you·found ꜝeat enough·of·you
lest you·are·satisfied·him and·you·vomited·him :
ꜝmake·precious your·foot from·the·house·of your·tendent
lest he·is·satisfied·you and·he·hated·you :
scatterer and·sword and·arrow made·toothed
man responding in·his·tendent witness·of falsehood :
tooth bad and·foot slipped
trust·of covert in·day·of rockiness :
undecking covering in·day·of cold sours upon soda
and·singer in·the·songs⁺ upon heart·of bad :
if hungry that·hates·you ꜝgive·to·him·eat bread
and·if thirsty ꜝgive·him·to·drink waters⁺ :
as embers⁺ you firepaning upon his·head
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·shaloms to·you :
breath·of north she·whirls·in·labor shower
and·face⁺ damned⁺ tongue·of hiddenness :
good settling upon corner·of roof
from·woman·of vindictiveness⁺ and·house·of ally :
waters⁺ cold⁺ upon soul tired
and·hearing good from·land·of afar :
eyewell mucked·up and·fountain ruined
just shaking to·face⁺·of wicked :
eating honey·of multiplying not good
and·the·examination·of their·weight weight :
city·of ruptured there·is·ńot rampart
man that there·is·ńot restraint to·his·breath :
as·the·snow in·the·summer and·as·the·rain in·the·crop
surely not radiant to·fool weight :
as·the·skippingbird to·sway as·the·libertybird to·fly
surely slight·of gratuitously to·him she·enters :
paddle to·the·horse bridle to·the·donkey
and·stem to·back·of fool⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·respond fool as·his·wrongdoing
lest you·are·on·a·level to·him also you :
ꜝrespond fool as·his·wrongdoing
lest he·is wise in·his·eyes² :
making·an·end feet² violence drinker
sending speeches⁺ in·hand·of fool :
they·were·pulled·down⁺ legs² from·hobbling
and·simile in·mouth·of fool⁺ :
as·rocked·in stone in·execution
surely giving to·fool weight :
briar he·went·up in·hand·of drunk
and·simile in·mouth·of fool⁺ :
archer piercing all
and·hiring fool and·hiring crossers⁺ :
as·dog returning upon his·vomit
fool doubling·back in·his·wrongdoing :
you·saw man wise in·his·eyes²
hope to·fool from·him :
he·said idler lynx in·the·step
lion between the·broadways⁺ :
the·pulldoor she·turns·around upon her·formhinge
and·idler upon his·branchbed :
he·buried idler his·hand in·the·prosperbowl
he·was·wearied to·return·her to his·mouth :
wise idler in·his·eyes²
from·seven returning⁺·of taste :
grasping·firmly in·ears²·of dog
crosser cross upon argument not to·him :
as·madman that·torahs fetters⁺ arrows⁺ and·death :
surely man he·tricked °his·tendent
and·he·said ¿not making·laughter I :
in·limit·of trees⁺ she·is·quenched fire
and·in·there·is·ńot complaining he·is·calm vindictiveness :
coal to·embers⁺ and·trees⁺ to·fire
and·man·of vindictiveness⁺ to·scorch argument :
speeches⁺·of complaining as·swallowing·themselves⁺
and·they⁺ they·descended⁺ chambers⁺·of belly :
silver·of scums⁺ topped upon claycraft
lips² blazing⁺ and·heart·of bad :
in·his·lips² he·makes·unrecognizable hating
and·in·his·impresence he·puts trickery :
as he·shows·grace his·voice ꜝdo·not·be·true in·him
as seven abominations⁺ in·his·heart :
she·is·covered hatred in·fraud
she·is·stripped·out his·badness in·congregation :
drilling pit in·her he·falls
and·rolling stone to·him she·returns :
tongue·of falsehood he·hates his·crushed⁺
and·mouth devisive he·does overthrowal :
ꜝdo·not·praise·yourself in·day aftermorrow
as you·do·not·know ¿what he·enchilds day :
he·praises·you stranger and·not your·mouth
unrecognized and·not your·lips² :
weight·of stone and·the·hoisting·of the·sand
and·trouble·of wrongdoer weighty from·the·two²·of·them :
cruelty·of heat and·flood·of nostrils
and·¿who he·stands to·face⁺·of jealousy :
good reproof stripped
from·love hidden :
true⁺ wounds⁺·of loving
and·supple⁺ kisses⁺·of hating :
soul satisfied she·treads·down syrup
and·soul hungry all bitter sweet :
as·skippingbird retreating from her·nest
surely man retreating from·his·rising·place :
oil and·incense he·gladdens heart
and·the·sweetness·of his·tendent from·counsel·of soul :
your·tendent and·the·tendent·of your·father ꜝdo·not·abandon and·the·house·of your·brother ꜝdo·not·enter in·the·day·of your·calamity
good fellowdweller present from·brother afar :
ꜝbe·wise my·son and·ꜝgladden my·heart
and·ꜝlet·me·return my·detractor speech :
smooth he·saw badness he·was·hidden
gullible⁺ they·crossed·over⁺ they·were·fined⁺ :
ꜝtake his·covering as he·pledged stranger
and·about unrecognized ꜝrope·him :
kneeling his·tendent in·voice great in·the·dayplow yoking·up
slight she·is·considered to·him :
languishing spewing in·day·of lockdown
and·woman·of vindictiveness⁺ he·was·on·a·level :
that·keeps·her·secret he·kept·secret breath
and·the·oil·of his·right he·calls·against :
iron in·iron he·sharpens
and·man he·sharpens the·face⁺·of his·tendent :
protecting fig he·eats her·fruit
and·watching his·lords⁺ he·is·given·weight :
as·the·waters⁺ the·face⁺ to·the·face⁺
surely the·heart·of the·adam to·the·adam :
sheol and·his·loss they·are·not·satisfied⁺
and·the·eyes²·of the·adam they·are·not·satisfied⁺ :
smelter to·the·silver and·cauldron to·the·gold
and·man to·the·mouth·of his·praise :
if you·pestle °the·wrongdoer in·the·pestle in·the·midst·of the·grits⁺ in·the·upper·grindstone
she·does·not·move from·upon·him his·wrongdoing :
knowing you·know the·face⁺·of your·sheep
ꜝput your·heart to·flocks⁺ :
as not to·eternity dominion
and·if vow to·saeculum and·saeculum :
he·stripped sprouts and·he·was·seen grass
and·they·were·gathered⁺ herbs⁺·of mounts⁺ :
lambs⁺ to·your·robe
and·price·of field rams⁺ :
and·enough·of fatmilk·of mightygoats⁺ to·your·bread to·the·bread·of your·house
and·life⁺ to·your·youths⁺ :
they·fled⁺ and·there·is·ńot pursuer wicked
and·just⁺ as·wolf he·trusts :
in·rebellion·of land many⁺ her·princes⁺
and·in·adam giving·discernment knowing surely he·prolongs :
hero poor and·intimidator pulled·down⁺
rain overwhelming and·there·is·ńot bread :
abandoning⁺·of torah they·praise⁺ wicked
and·watching⁺·of torah they·chew·on·themselves⁺ in·them :
mortals⁺·of bad they·do·not·discern⁺ judgment
and·the·seekers⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ they·discern⁺ all :
good poor walking in·his·completeness
from·warped steps² and·he rich :
protecting torah son giving·discernment
and·tending letting·loose⁺ he·embarrasses his·father :
multiplying his·wealth in·biting·interest and·multiplying
to·gracing pulled·down⁺ he·collects·him :
removing his·ear from·hearing torah
also his·mediation abomination :
leading·astray straight⁺ in·step·of bad in·his·prostration he he·falls
and·complete⁺ they·derive⁺ good :
wise in·his·eyes² man rich
and·pulled·down giving·discernment he·examines·him :
when·exulting just⁺ much sprigging
and·when·arising wicked⁺ he·becomes·unsearchable adam :
covering his·rebellions⁺ he·does·not·prosper
and·gloryhanding and·abandoning he·is·enwombed :
blessedness⁺·of adam trembling always
and·hardening his·heart he·falls in·badness :
lion growling and·bear foraging
ruler wicked upon people pulled·down :
foremost lacking·of discernments⁺ and·much·of intimidations⁺
hating profit he·prolongs days⁺ :
adam intimidated in·blood·of soul unto well he·flees ꜝlet·them·not·grasp⁺ in·him :
walking complete he·is·saved
and·warped·of steps² he·falls in·one :
servant his·adamah he·is·satisfied bread
and·pursuer empty⁺ he·is·satisfied poverty :
man·of truths⁺ much·of kneelings⁺
and·hasty to·enrich he·is·not·innocent :
recognizing face⁺ not good
and·upon morsel·of bread he·rebels hero :
agitated to·the·wealth man·of bad·of eye
and he·does·not·know as lack he·enters·him :
reproof adam my·afterwards⁺ grace he·finds
from·divided tongue :
robber his·father and·his·mama and·saying there·is·ńot rebellion
ally he to·man·of ruining :
broad·of soul he·chews·on vindictiveness
and·trusting upon Yʜᴡʜ he·is·made·bountiful :
trusting in·his·heart he fool
and·walking in·wisdom he he·is·delivered :
giving to·the·poor there·is·ńot lack
and·hooding his·eyes² much·of curses⁺ :
when·arising wicked⁺ he·is·hidden adam
and·when·they·are·lost⁺ they·multiply⁺ just⁺ :
man·of reproofs⁺ hardening spine
suddenly he·is·broken and·there·is·ńot healing :
when·multiplying just⁺ he·is·glad the·people
and·when·ruling wicked he·groans people :
man loving wisdom he·gladdens his·father
and·tending fornicators⁺ he·loses wealth :
king in·judgment he·causes·to·stand land
and·man·of high·offerings⁺ he·demolishes·her :
hero divided upon his·tendent
heirnet stretching upon his·times⁺ :
in·rebellion·of man bad snare
and·just he·shouts and·he·was·glad :
knowing just vindication·of pulled·down⁺
wicked he·does·not·discern knowledge :
mortals⁺·of scorn they·bloom⁺ walledcity
and·wise⁺ they·return⁺ nostrils :
man wise judged with man wrongdoer
and·he·was·stirred·up and·he·laughed and·there·is·ńot peace :
mortals⁺·of bloods⁺ they·hate⁺ complete
and·straight⁺ they·seek⁺ his·soul :
all·of his·breath he·lets·go fool
and·wise in·aft he·conciliates·her :
ruler listening upon speech·of falsehood
all·of his·assistants⁺ wicked⁺ :
poor and·man·of pretences⁺ they·encountered·one·another⁺
lighting·up the·eyes²·of the·two²·of·them Yʜᴡʜ :
king judge in·truth pulled·down⁺
his·throne to·onward he·is·assured :
stem and·reproof he·gives wisdom
and·youth sent·out shame his·mama :
when·multiplying wicked⁺ he·multiplies rebellion
and·just⁺ in·their·fall they·see⁺ :
ꜝinstruct your·son and·he·sets·you·in·peace
and·he·gives comforts⁺ to·your·soul :
in·there·is·ńot vision he·is·disheveled people
and·watching torah his·blessedness⁺ :
in·speeches⁺ he·is·not·instructed servant
as he·discerns and·there·is·ńot causing·respond :
you·visioned man hasty in·his·speeches⁺
hope to·fool from·him :
pampering from·youth his·servant
and·his·afterward he·is as·issue :
man·of nostrils he·chews·on vindictiveness
and·master·of heat much·of rebellion :
majesty·of adam she·makes·him·low
and·low·of breath he·grasps weight :
dividing near stealer hating his·soul
oath he·hears and he·does·not·tell·forth :
shuddering·of adam he·gives snare
and·trusting in·Yʜᴡʜ he·is·entowered :
many⁺ seekers⁺ face⁺·of ruler
and·from·Yʜᴡʜ judgment·of man :
abomination·of just⁺ man·of evil
and·abomination·of wicked straight·of step :
the·speeches⁺·of Garnered the·son·of Obedient the·burden
the·revelation·of the·hero to·Rugged-of-Powr
to·Rugged-of-Powr and·eaten :
as consumerish I from·man
and·not discernment·of adam to·me :
and I·was·not·discipled wisdom
and·knowledge·of sacred⁺ I·know :
¿who he·went·up skies⁺ and·he·descends ¿who he·gathered breath in·his·paws² ¿who he·was·rocked·in waters⁺ in·the·garment ¿who he·raised all·of limits⁺·of land
¿what his·name and·¿what the·name·of his·son as you·know :
all·of the·saying·of Power smelted
guard he to·that·refuge⁺ in·him :
ꜝdo·not·add upon his·speeches⁺
lest he·reproves in·you and·you·were·a·liar :
two² I·requested from·with·you
ꜝdo·not·deprive from·me in·ere I·die :
vanity and·speech·of a·lie ꜝmove·faroff from·me poverty and·riches ꜝdo·not·give to·me
ꜝcause·me·to·prey·upon the·bread·of my·prescription :
lest I·am·satisfied and·I·denied and·I·said ¿who Yʜᴡʜ
and·lest I·am·disinherited and·I·stole
and·I·clenched the·name·of my·Powers⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·let·use·tongue servant to his·lords⁺
lest he·slights·you and·you·transgressed :
saeculum his·father he·slights
and·°his·mama he·does·not·kneel :
saeculum pure in·his·eyes²
and·from·his·filth he·was·not·bathed :
saeculum ¿what they·were·high⁺ his·eyes²
and·his·flyelids⁺ they·are·borne⁺ :
saeculum swords⁺ his·teeth² and·eatingknives⁺ his·fangs⁺
to·eat humiliated⁺ from·land
and·wanting⁺ from·adam :
to·leech two²·of daughters⁺ ꜝgrant ꜝgrant three they⁺ they·are·not·satisfied⁺
four they·did·not·say⁺ wealth :
sheol and·restraint·of womb
land she·was·not·satisfied waters⁺
and·fire she·did·not·say wealth :
eye she·mocks to·father and·she·despises to·obedience·of mama
they·gouge·out⁺·her eveningbirds⁺·of river
and·they·eat⁺·her sons⁺·of eagle :
three they⁺ they·were·too·wonderful⁺ from·me
and·four I·did·not·know·them :
the·step·of the·eagle in·the·skies⁺ step·of copperhead upon rock
step·of ship in·heart·of sea
and·step·of hero in·girl :
surely step·of woman adulterer
she·ate and·she·wiped her·mouth
and·she·said I·did·not·work iniquity :
under three she·was·stirred·up land
and·under four she·is·not·able bearing :
under servant as he·is·king
and·wilted as he·is·satisfied bread :
under hated as she·is·mastered
and·family·servant as she·inherits her·heroine :
four they⁺ small⁺·of land
and·they⁺ wise⁺ made·wise⁺ :
the·ants⁺ people not mighty
and·they·make·sure⁺ in·the·summer their·bread :
rabbits⁺ people not strongboned
and·they·place⁺ in·the·clifftop their·house :
king there·is·ńot to·the·multibug
and·he·goes arrowing all·of·him :
spider in·hands² you·clench
and·she in·palaces⁺·of king :
three they⁺ doing·good⁺·of pace
and·four doing·good⁺·of walking :
cheetah hero in·the·beast
and he·does·not·return from·face⁺·of all :
torqued·of thighs² or capra
and·king no-uprising near·him :
if you·wilted when·bearing·oneself·up
and·if you·determined·evil hand to·mouth :
as pressing·of fatmilk he·lets·go butter and·pressing·of nostrils he·lets·go blood
and·pressing·of nostrils² he·lets·go argument :
the·speeches⁺·of To-Powr king·of
burden that she·instructed·him his·mama :
¿what my·son and·¿what the·son·of my·belly
and·¿what the·son·of my·vows⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·give to·the·women⁺ your·strength
and·your·steps⁺ to·wipe·away kings⁺ :
not to·the·kings⁺ To-Powr not to·the·kings⁺ drinking wine
and·to·sovereign⁺ ¿where strong·drink :
lest he·drinks and·he·forgets prescription
and·he·doubles·back vindication·of all·of sons⁺·of humiliation :
ꜝgive⁺ strong·drink to·lost
and·wine to·bitter⁺·of soul :
he·drinks and·he·forgets his·poverty
and·his·toil he·does·not·remember again :
ꜝopen your·mouth to·tonguetied
to vindication·of all·of sons⁺·of change :
ꜝopen your·mouth ꜝjudge justice
and·ꜝvindicate humiliated and·wanting :
woman·of strength ¿who he·finds
and·afar from·corneredgems⁺ her·saleables :
he·trusted in·her the·heart·of her·master
and·plunder he·is·not·lacking :
she·yielded·him good and·not bad
all·of the·days⁺·of her·life⁺ :
she·investigated wool and·flaxes⁺
and·she·does in·the·pleasure·of her·spoons² :
she·was as·ships⁺·of merchant
from·afar she·brings·in her·bread :
and·she·arises when·still night and·she·gives prey to·her·house
and·prescription to·her·youths⁺ :
she·determined·evil field and·she·takes·him
from·the·fruit·of her·spoons² she·planted orchard :
she·girded in·might her·thighs²
and·she·emboldens her·arms⁺ :
she·tasted as good her·merchandise
he·is·not·quenched in·the·night her·lamp :
her·hands² she·sent·out in·the·worthwhile·work
and·her·spoons² they·grasped⁺ stake :
her·spoon she·stretched to·the·humiliated
and·her·hands² she·sent·out to·the·wanting :
she·does·not·fear to·her·house from·snow
as all·of her·house robed·in scarlets⁺ :
spreads⁺ she·did to·her
linen and·purple her·robe :
known in·the·gates⁺ her·master
when·he·settles near elders⁺·of land :
blouse she·did and·she·sells
and·girdle she·gave to·the·Cashier :
might and·magnificence her·robe
and·she·laughs to·day afterward :
her·mouth she·opened in·wisdom
and·torah·of mercy upon her·tongue :
sentry the·walkways⁺·of her·house
and·bread·of idlenesses⁺ she·does·not·eat :
they·arose⁺ her·sons⁺ and·they·bless⁺·her
her·master and·he·praises·her :
many⁺ daughters⁺ they·did⁺ strength
and·you you·went·up upon all·of·them :
falsehood the·grace and·vapor the·beauty
woman the·fearful·of Yʜᴡʜ she she·praises·herself :
ꜝgive⁺ to·her from·the·fruit·of her·hands²
and·they·praise⁺·her in·the·gates⁺ her·doings⁺ :